How to remove the Blog Post Date

Hi Everyone

I am trying to upload blogs without a date attached to them but it appears Webflow won’t allow you to remove the date.
I need a work around or i don’t see a point to having a blog post template, may as well insert a text block.

Any help appreciated.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi there! Even though you a date is automatically attributed to blog posts on the backend in the database it doesn’t mean you have to display that on the frontend in your blog template page. Does that help?

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Thanks for that - but how do you turn them off or not display the date ?

Hi, @Louise_Carter!!

Ben here with the Webflow Customer Support Team!

Which project are you specifically having issues with? Can you share your read-only link with me so I can jump in and investigate?

I am moving this to a different category since it isn’t a bug, but I know if you share your read-only link someone here can help you solve this! :webflow_heart:

I don’t know how to share the link sorry as instructions don’t make sense.

It’s a general blog post date - I simply don’t want a date published when I upload a new blog post. As google ranks in date order and my blog post, although still relevant, get moved to page 4/5 where no-one will find it.

In the blog post settings part of WebflowCMS it says ‘ we also added date created Date edited and Date published fields for you. ‘

I simply don’t want these published when I issue a blog post. Other than selecting a text block and adding it the blog manually without the date what can I do ???

Also I am struggling to add photos to the body of the text which are relevant to the blog.

This has proved very frustrating and as a regular part of uploading my blog, will drive me insane. I’d rather code it without Webflow but this is supposed to make things easy.

If you can provide any assistance then it would be of great help.

Many thanks.

hi - I am still awaiting a response to this post as I do not have a solution - do i need to re-post this in the bugs section??



Fairly easy to share your “Read-only” link. It’s helpful to troubleshoot your issue.

HI Dan - viewing my read only site will not assist you - its a query that affects ANY site that uploads content using the CMS.

If you can help great but THIS IS A BUG.


Hi, @Louise_Carter!

I made a video to explain dates and the Webflow CMS:

I hope it helps! If not, please provide some more details and your read-only link with us so we can jump in and investigate. :webflow_heart:


Thanks for this it’s really helped me.

It’s been a roadblock for me for two months now and the frustration of not knowing how to fix this issue has set my confidence with Webflow back months.

Now I can move on (at last).

You will never know how truly I appreciate your help - thank you soooo much.



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