Just a quick question: My website is hosted with Webflow CMS Plan, so I had no access to the files on the host. Is there any way I can install Ads.txt? It just needs to be upload in the public.html folder and it doesn’t require any modifications.
In response to IAB’s ads.txt protocol launch, we are sending personalized ads.txt files that will ensure all advertisers can buy ad spaces on your site. This text file will help you access more buyers, which will ultimately help your site generate more ad revenue.
To install the file, follow these steps:
Open the ads.txt file sent to you from Insticator via email. php developer uk to implement successfully, the file must be added to your root directory folder.
Have your webmaster implement the ads.txt file into your system’s root directory folder.
In the IAB ads.txt specs they say: “Only a single HTTP redirect to a destination outside the original root domain is allowed to facilitate one-hop delegation of authority to a third party’s web server domain.” (https://iabtechlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/IABOpenRTB_Ads.txt_Public_Spec_V1-0-1.pdf)
So it is possible to put ads.txt to a different webhosting and then under ‘hosting/301 redirects’ in webflow project settings setup a redirect /ads.txt → [hosting you have access to]/ads.txt
Of course this requires you to have one extra hosting which is far from ideal solution, but it is a working one.
Has anyone figured out how to do this? I tried setting up a redirect but webflow does not allow redirects to an entirely different url unless that url is connected to webflow. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
Webflow should provide a good solution to this. My website will not run the ads properly and I shouldn’t host the Ads.txt and add another hosting plan somewhere else. Everything should be under Webflow, nobody is paying cheap for the Weflow hosting plans
I have followed this method and it doesn’t work on any of my sites. It’s been a year since webflow has commented on this and this still has not been resolved on a large scale. Are there any webflow fixes to this?
Edit to add, I manage nearly a dozen websites on webflow and I’ve grown tired of things not being addressed properly. I’m close to pulling all of them and going to another platform