I’m trying to create a simple Gallery that will take its images for a CMS collection. I’m not looking for a Lightbox, Just a plain Slider of 3 Images.
Right now I created 3 Images fields on the CMS collection (a field per slide).
When I go to the template page and try to get a background image from the collection I only manage to get an Image for the first slider.
But as my technic rely on setting transforms in an interaction it won’t take the number of items (slides) for the slider dynamically.
@Daystar, as you want only three slides it should work the same way. Just make sure you limit the number of items in the collection list setting to 3 (or the number you need).
If you get how the classes are made in my tutorial you can apply them to the elements of a collection list item as follow :
collection list wrapper = slider mask
collection list = slides wrapper
collection item = slide (flex item don’t shrink and 100% width)
Don’t hesitate if you want some help to set up this technic.