I am trying to no avail to create a dynamic CMS slider in order to have images from a “multi-image” CMS field populate content onto a CMS page slider.
The end-goal is to recreate this page:
[LA MODEL MANAGEMENT]![00%20CMS|690x431]
This [hopefully] will allow me to create NEW CMS items that will auto-populate content onto corresponding CMS pages…
Dummy Content:
[Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life]
Only by custom code (should be simple).
Example of lightbox plugin (fancybox3):
You need ± to do the same steps (add assets — add html + install) - with javascript slider plugin (first create codepen and learn the plugin).
Some plugins: Swiper, owl, lightslider, flickity.
Slider of photos open in lightbox is more complex (easier to create clickable slider - and card go to inner page with gallery)
@Siton_Systems im not sure im following you, are you saying the only way to create this system is with custom code. I do not want to use light boxes
Yes. For now - no CMS Slider.
Vote for this wishlist idea cms slider
Or use this idea (Pagination):
Another option is to use webflow slider and manually limit the slides content:
- slide1 -
collection start at 1 show 1
- slide2 -
collection start at 2 show 1
(Tidy but will work):
Custom code example
I create guide for owlcarousel2
(Same idea ± for other plugins):
may want to check this out
Hi @Siton_Systems @nicholas_rains
You can easily create CMS sliders now with dynamic content being populated automatically in the slider with Attributes CMS Slider, check it out: CMS Slider for Webflow - No-code using Attributes
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