How can I publish privacy policy updates without also publishing unfinished website changes?

I need to update my privacy policy, but I do not want to publish unfinished changes I am working on throughout the website. How do I do this?

Try this on for size!

Saving a page as draft will ensure that this page won’t be published when you publish the project from the Designer or when you or a collaborator publishes the site from the Editor.

I’ve been working on sitewide changes that do not need to go live yet. I need to publish a specific page, and nothing else.

That is not currently an option in Webflow unless the page is a collection item.

Ok, thank you for the replies.

With such a great editor, I’d expect more basic website management use-cases covered.

It is covered as @garr_tt said above. Save the pages you’re working on as draft.


I want the ‘Privacy Policy’ page published, not the rest of the site. What everyone is suggesting does the opposite of this.

@webdev posted the correct answer.