Home element in navi stay on current, even when i am on another page

Hey folks,

my name is Engin, i am new to Webflow. I love it to build websites whithout headache :slight_smile:
But the following makes me headaches, i cant figure it out and need your help.

When i click on another page (for example: portfolio), the “current” state stays still green on HOME. So in my navigation it shows up two “current” highlighted navigation elements. See the attached images.

How can i fix this?

Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-25 um 16.15.26

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Can you share your read-only link?

I’m having the same issue. I wonder if it’s a recent bug because I can’t find much on the web to fix this.

I’m experiencing the same issue

Same issue here, any news?
Edit: I’ve noticed that it doesn’t do that on the published site, so might not be a big deal

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