Hello guys, I’m having an issue with the gradient editor. I did a screencast to show the behavior. It makes it almost impossible to create a 2 point gradient. It seems to keep creating more and more markers whenever I try to click to edit one and it also is allowing over 100% values off the range.
Hi @DFink, thanks for the report ! I will check this out and as soon as there is info, will post an update!
Having same issues off and on. It’s been doing this for a little over a month or so. Thanks.
Yep Me to, Its driving me crazy, Been happening for me the last 3 weeks.
Hi Guys, sorry about the troubles with this, it is under investigation, I hope to have more info on this at the start of next week. Regards,
Hey Dave, I really hope you can fix this very soon. I need gradients to work on a current project and they are completely unusable and have caused a complete standstill.
Hi @DFink, sorry for the delay, as soon as I have more info on this one, I will update asap !
Hi @DFink, could you also confirm the browser and version you are using, and operating system version? Could you also post the read-only link to the site, or send it to me PM? Thanks !
I’m also experiencing this issue. Running chrome, osx.
I stumbled on this issue today. Very annoying indeed. Running Chrome (45.0.2454.101) on OSX (10.10.5).
I found a slight workaround. If you create a point near the left side of the gradient slider with the color you want to be on the far right and drag it over, it will work. Just delete the point on the far right before dragging the new point.
We had some issues on this last week.
At the moment switching to Safari is the only way to get gradients to behave.
Glad it works for you. In my case, it’s exactly the same as in Google…
Was trying to add a gradient to a button and this happened.
I published the site, refreshed the browser(F5), then did a forced refresh(Ctl-F5) and it’s still there. I’ve never seen more than two pointers on this line before…is this really a feature?
Hi @DragonDon, thanks for your report, yes, this is a known issue and it is still under investigation. As soon as there is an update, I will post here.
I’ll add my tech details
Windows 7 Home Premium
Chrome Version 45.0.2454.101 m (64-bit)
Having the same issue with gradients.
Using Chrome and Mac OSX
I just found out that this is actually a feature
So the ‘multiple points’ is supposed be an option it seems but it gets ‘stuck’ and you can’t just use only two points some times.
same problem here using Chrome Version 46.0.2490.80 (64-bit)
OSX El Capitan
Same Problem with Safari Version 9.0 (11601.1.56) but less worse
Hey everyone, our apologies on the delay on this one - we just deployed a fix to address this. More details here: http://forum.webflow.com/t/fixed-windows-background-gradient-bug/21341