Google won't index my Portfolio-Website

Dear Webflow-Community

I recently completed my portfolio-website, but having problem with google indexing my website.
Past two weeks i looked through tons of post & videos on this topic, but Google still refuses to index my page. Here is what it looks like on Google Search Console when i inspect my website (

Here is my read-only link of the portfolio page:

As always, thanks for your support!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Have you “requested indexing” manually?

Hi yigit,

Yes I requested manual indexing multiple times in the past weeks.
Unfortunately no luck so far.

So, in terms of crawlability your site is technically good to go.

Indexability is up to Google and it seems like the bot doesn’t have any reason to index your content at the moment.

You need to do some off-page (link building, social distribution, promotional etc.) work to signal that your website is “worth” indexing.

This might speed up the process of indexing.

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Hi @othernoise, I hope you managed to get your site indexed in the end. Your portfolio site looks amazing!

With any website, Webflow or not, optimizing your Google profile is key. Google uses bots to crawl your site and the number 1 they do this is by using your sitemap. After looking at your site, its key you prioritised design, however, it looks like you’re missing a sitemap and footer.

As I mentioned previously, its imperative to make it easy for Google to crawl your site. Webflow has a lesson on Webflow University on how to generate a sitemap. Its a simple process that involves creating a sitemap.xml which is mainly all done in your project settings.

A few other points that you should consider is basic SEO. This includes:

  • Meta titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • URL
  • Headings hierarchy (H1, HW)

I hope this helps :slight_smile: