GA4 setup through GTM or WF - what's best practice

While trying to pinpoint a frustrating issue in my Google analytics data, I happened to watch Grimur’s tutorial " Set up Google Analytics to track data on your site" where he shows how to add Google Analytics ‘Measurement ID’ and Container ID’ within the ‘Apps & Integrations’ tab of your sites Webflow settings to connect GA4.

I checked both of these fields on my sites ‘apps & integrations’ tab in Webflow and they are blank - ! - remembering that I added these tags through Google Tag Manager, not Webflow.

That said my GA4 account for the site is recording traffic just fine but…

Is my setup through GTM incorrect?
Can tags be in both GTM and WF?
What’s best practice?

The frustrating thing I was trying to tamp down was traffic from ‘Santa Clara’ which I understand to be traffic from webflow as we work on our site within the admin. It causes outsized spikes in our data at times.

Sorry for all the questons!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

I tend to input my GTM code directly into the site-wide custom code area, and avoid using Webflow’s integration page for that. There are more configuration options, and it’s clearer what it’s doing. It’s also easier to add a comment so if you ever clone a site, you’re clear what tag you’re looking at.

I’d avoid setting up both GA and GTM->GA in the site or you’ll likely end up with duplicate data. Certainly you’ll have unnecessary extra script-weight.

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Thanks Michael, hope you are doing well and I appreciate your time to provide some perspective. :raised_hands: