Full size light box images not corresponding to their thumbnail images in a collection

Hi folks

I have a photo gallery set up as a collection of 12 images. When you click on each image, it blows up to a larger image with a number of extra photos as thumbnail lightboxes underneath (they are linked). For the first gallery item, I went to the lightbox settings, clicked on media and inserted the appropriate full size images that correspond with their thumbnails – this works fine for the first item in the photo gallery, but for all the other items in the photo gallery the lightboxes are pulling to the same full size images as the first item in the gallery – in other words, they don’t change when they’re supposed to change. I can make linked lightboxes work when it’s static but not for a dynamic collection. I don’t even know if I explained this properly but can someone please help. The collection in question is on the “Portfolio” page, click through the lightboxes for the various gallery items and you’ll see what I mean that they’re not pulling the correct image. My share link is Webflow - Copy of Wave Interiors - SHIPPED. Thanks in advance!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi @Leeanne67, at the moment the lightbox is not integrated with CMS yet, however when I looked at the lightbox media and the thumbnail that was used on the Projects template, with the “Contemporary” item, and at east those images do not match, so I would check that the image entered in cms thumbnail, matches the image that is added to the media list in the lightbox settings.

If that does not help, if you can create a screencast of the exact behavior, it would help.

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