Finsweet cookie consent banner not showing

Hi all, so like many others I have found and started to like the @Finsweet consent banner with cookie management. I am new to webflow, so I am sure I am the problem. Yet i have a problem with this.

I have followed the tutorial and watch all videos and even read all the topics here, yet I seem to have such a basic issue that it is not solved.

After copying the banner, including the custom code, the banner simply does not show up when I load the page (also not in “incognito mode”, after deleting cookies, on my phone, my tablet) - there is only the quick “flash” which is supposed to happen if you do not configure “diplay: none” correctly.

i would appreciate any help!

Here is a screenshot:

Here is the custom code:

<!-- Finsweet Cookie Consent -->
<script type="fs-cc" async src="" fs-cc-mode="opt-in"></script>
<!-- End Finsweet Cookie Consent -->

<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->
<script async src=""></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());
  gtag('config', 'G-189DVE5VM4');
  gtag('event', 'page_view', { 'send_to': 'G-189DVE5VM4' });
  gtag('event', eventName, eventParameters); 

<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

And here is the link:

Hey, I am facing the same issue. Have you found a solution yet?

Me too, it’s driving me mad :exploding_head:

@d5jjax I was facing the same issue. I found a workaround by removing the individual components from their parent div. After testing that, the popup banners were finally showing for me. Then I created a new div, drug the three components into it, and created a global component from that new div, and it still works just fine.

Seems to be an issue with the parent div that is copied over from Finsweet’s cloneable.

I’m having the same problem as the other guys. I tried your workaround, but I still can’t get the banner to show. Followed the videos, watched YouTube, and still can’t fathom it. I’m a complete noob(ish), so I hope my code is ok to rule that out.

It’s driving me crazy, but I can’t find help anywhere. “Please Obi Wan, you’re my only hope…” :grin:

Read only:

Hi, did you resolve it? I am facing the same problem.