Hello all,
The last 2? days I’ve started having an issue with the finsweet cookie consent banner continuing to show up even after the accept and/or deny button is clicked.
Using debug mode the code seems to be firing correctly but its as if the script cant tell that anything has been set.
https://www.beamtuition.co.uk is the live site so you can see the issue:
Only thing I knowingly changed was adding a chatbot script but ive tried disabling this. Other than that i did some modifications to images sizes and minor css changes but i really cant see what ive done that would have any bearing on the cookie consent things.
Unless the fs-cc script is broken?
Ive tried 'debugging this in both chrome and opera both in normal and in private/incognito mode as well, and tried manually deleting my cookies from the main site but each time any new page navigated to seems to bring up the consent banner.
The page as viewed when navigating to it first time:
After I click the deny button:
After I click the allow button:
When I go back to the homepage:
Cookie consent banner is stored in /admin/cookiesetup.html
I also have my GA4 tag set in the integration tab (I hope this is meant to be here too?)
of the settings and the custom head code is in the usual place but looks like this:
<script src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=MY_ID_HERE" type="fs-cc" fs-cc-categories="analytics"></script>
<script type="fs-cc" fs-cc-categories="analytics">
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'MY_ID_HERE');
<script async src="//code.tidio.co/b92w9jruev3mhceewq15v2ue5tfy1vav.js"></script>
<!-- Finsweet Cookie Consent -->
<script async src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@finsweet/cookie-consent@1/fs-cc.js" fs-cc-mode="opt-in" fs-cc-source="https://www.beamtuition.co.uk/admin/cookiesetup" fs-cc-debug="false" fs-cc-expires="30"></script>
Please can someone take a look and tell me where I’ve changed something obviously incorrectly that i have missed!
Many thanks in advance,
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)