I’m looking for someone who is a designer first and a Webflow expert second. This will ideally be the start of a long working relationship. I’m looking to build a website in 3 phases.
Phase 1 - A simple landing page with a video background loop (with a title over it) as the hero, some basic info, and then an opportunity for people to sign up for email lists (each list based on a specific city). These lists would initially be collected on google docs, but would most likely eventually migrate over to Mailchimp or something similar. It would basically function as a landing page for SEO and some paid ad campaigns in different geographic markets. There would probably be a couple other static pages as well (like an ‘About Us’ page and an ‘FAQ’). I’m looking to get this up and going ASAP (even within the week).
Phase 2 - Once the product launches (a service based product that targets specific geographic markets), I’d like to have a specific webpage for each market.
Phase 3 - If the product gains traction, I would be adding e-commerce options into the site as well.
Please send quotes/questions to DanesFakeEmail@gmail.com (I know, I know, I use it for spammy stuff – so public forums and the like). If you’re more comfortable with an hourly or flat rate, let me know about that as well. Also, be sure to include the Webflow sites you’ve designed!
Thanks everyone!
I think “landing page” is being taken out of context here. As an expert in Digital Marketing, this project, as outlined, is the wrong approach.
You want dedicated landing pages for each market you’re in and have them customized for those markets with content, possible slang (“pop” in Ohio vs. “soda” in Pennsylvania) and graphics of locations and venues that are familiar to the people in those markets. You don’t want these CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) landing pages as part of your website. They can live on the same server/backendsite but they won’t have any navigation to them like the pages of your website would. You’re talking about two very different types of “Landing Page” here. You want to design ad/email campaign Landing Page(s) for conversions (CRO). You want people to focus on one thing, a 1:1 ratio to your call to action (CTA) whatever that thing is that will qualify them as having “converted”… newsletter sign-up, purchase of a product or service. Any other navigation or CTAs would dilute that 1:1 ratio.
Please make sure you have a designer who knows the layout of a proper CRO landing page… Strong header (that matches the text of what they clicked on so they know they landed on the right page), maybe a sub-header, a BG video or hero image (sometimes both are OK), no more than three (3) benefits (not features) with icon bullets (not just wimpy unordered list bullets!), then better, block section explanations below them and, of course, social mentions (testimonials), with pictures of the people and make sure that they can be traced to real people on Facebook, Twitter and the like.
The “landing page” of a website has navigation to the other pages of the site, but is not as focused as the CRO “landing pages” are for the different markets you’re targeting. These are two very different animals that you’ve combined into one, but they should be treated as separate entities. Unbounce has a free CRO course you can take to see the concepts I’ve outline here, in practice and action. You can also look up “Page Fights” on YouTube for better ideas of mistakes other people have made, so you can avoid them. Sorry about the rant, but I don’t want to see you come out on the bad side of things.