I’ve uploaded correct sizes and file types for the Favicon and Webclip but they don’t seem to be working. Have tries re-exporting from PS and re-uploading, and clearing cache on chrome and safari, but still no luck.
I can’t confirm that these are added in the right place (I see them in your assets panel but not in the live site code) however you’ll need to republish the site for any project setting changes to take place.
If they’re still not showing after you’ve added them in the right spot and republished the site, I would reach out to Webflow Support for some more information. It may be a bug and unfortunately that’s something they’d need to look into.
I wanted to pass along a useful tip from a recent fix I implemented: the favicon display issue in Safari browsers. It appears that Safari does not support the SVG format for favicons. For those looking to ensure full browser compatibility, I recommend using favicon formats like ICO, PNG, GIF, or JPG instead. This should prevent similar issues in future projects.
Sharing for the benefit of anyone who might encounter this scenario!