It seems the fallback font is not working. Whatever fallback font I choose it keeps showing Times. Our site:
We are you using the Fontawesome webfont and the Proxima Nova.
I am overlooking something or may this be a bug?
I inspected your published site. Your font cascade looks like this on OS X / Win 10- Chrome;
html {font-family: “san-serif”;}
body { font-family: Arial,sans-serif;]
body { font-family: “Proxima Nova”;}
So there is a fallback happening. Proof is you seeing “Times”. The browser default is always there. You would need to inspect your site using the browsers dev tools.
Each browser / platform combo can have browser defaults set different. Of course the user can always change them too.
So without knowing your browser / OS combo, and any overrides you may have applied, it would be impossible to tell you why you’re seeing what you do. Please review posting guidelines in this topic / section.
We have used Chrome and Firefox, all latest version, on Windows 10 Home and Chrome and Safari on iOS 10.14. All showing Times instead of Arial.
This is what happened.
After adding/publishing a new page in Chrome on iOS 10 using the specs of the existing pages (with Proxima Nova font) all embedded fonts were not visible in Safari or other browsers. So the fallback font was set to Arial, but it remained Times in all browsers and different devices.
So your uploaded custom fonts are not loading from the CloudFront resource (webflow assets are served from there), which I can confirm. That issue seems to be on the server side.
This is just a guess - there may be a block on that font happening. It is a licensed font. If it’s from Adobe you can’t upload and host it according to their licensing. They also host fonts via CloudFront. I have not run into this before myself and I can see that your fontawesome-webfont.ttf is loading.
Try using that as an Adobe Font Kit. If you are using, then they need to track page views as part of the use license online, so you have to use their embedding script.
You should contact webflow support. I have no way to see logs from AWS.
I have exactly same issue!
For example I have various projects with FA installed using Ariel / Ariel Bold Rollback and now every single site project containing FA changed from Sans-Serif to Sans/Times Roman IF project is saved AFTER January 18th, its very notifiable across multiple project.
This ONLY affects website projects saved after January 18. I tested Sifari Firefox Chrome IE Edge browsers on multiple devices, it looks to be a webflow issue.
Sites before January 18th are not affected by serif rollback.
Original sites, save / published BEFORE January 18 look like this
ALL Sites Saved/Published AFTER January 18 look like this
I was able to touchbase with our engineers, and noted that they are in the process completing a fix for this issue.
The issue may have been caused by an uppercase TTF extension which isn’t mapped to any font format, and the simple fix here is to lowercase the extension.
Would you be able to re-upload the custom font with a lowercase extension?
Thanks in advance, and the engineers are working on implementing a more permanent fix.
Thank you again for reaching out about this font fallback issue.
​I wanted to let you know our team was able to push a fix for this issue and it should be live later today.
Please refresh your Designer and republish the project to ensure you have the latest build. If the issue still persists by tomorrow, please let us know and we’d be happy to help further.
Thx for the help and work. Unfortunately it seems the issue is still there. I refreshed designer and republished the project several times, including some hard resets of the cache and cookies.