Using the Gridded template with CMS. Exports just fine but not a single image. Dropped them into the images folder on my desktop with no luck. Any help?
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)
Using the Gridded template with CMS. Exports just fine but not a single image. Dropped them into the images folder on my desktop with no luck. Any help?
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)
Hi @jhill3d,
Most of the images on this template are being displayed from the CMS Items, under each Collection.
Because CMS content is not included on site export, these images won’t be included on the exported .zip file.
However you should still be able to export static images from the Asset Manager - If you’re experiencing any trouble exporting static images can you please post your site Read-Only links, so that we can take a closer look at your site?
Hope this helps
Hi Nita, CMS items need to be exportable to meet GDPR regulations, a CSV file will be sufficient.
Cheers, Sam
Hi @Sam_Sharpe
I wouldn’t of thought it applied to CMS data, unless there is some personal data being stored there? Interesting to hear any new interpretations/use cases though…
Hi StuM, please refer to question 9 on this BBC explanation. GDPR quiz: How will data privacy law affect you? - BBC News
I worked with support on this issue, and yes I can confirm CMS templates do not export any of the CMS data. The easy option is, use the template CMS as-is, and purchase webflow hosting of this site. Not a big deal but we did assume all sites created with webflow could be exported. That is not the case which is disappointing but we understand the why now.
Thanks for the comments.
Hi Sam,
Thanks for the link, again though, that’s related to personal data?
I’m interested to know of use cases where the CMS data would include personal data?
It’s definitely worth raising if there are some instances, but for the majority of use cases the CMS is for data that will be published publicly for the world to see…
Hi StuM,
I would imagine that lots of data added to the CMS would count as personal data? For example biographical text that is contained in the CMS? This is also related to copyright of owners images/copy/artworks/designs etc, is that personal data of the rights holder?
Cheers, Sam
Good points Sam!
(I’m not a legal expert/or staff - so just some thoughts)
I guess with biographical information, the expectation is that has been signed/released for the company/designer of the site to use in marketing/website. The first port of call/responsibility for removing it would likely be the Webflow account holder, or company whose site it appears on.
Copyright - I think that’s more in the realm of intellectual property, than personal data, but those items are likely to be attributed to a ‘person’. Similarly with above, the assumption would be that permission has been given to process and publish that data publicly…and if it needed removing, I imagine the first port of call would again be the Webflow account holder.
One thing for sure, GDPR has raised lots of important questions and added scrutiny about personal data and it’s handling…
In case you’ve not seen these already:
ICO definition of personal data:
Webflow’s Privacy Policy / Data Guidance
A blog post and some further discussion (not re the CMS, but related issues):
Just to add, The GDPR is about protecting data or not storing that can identify someone without them giving you consent to.
It’s not really much different from the '98 Data Protection Act but it’s been made a big deal about because people want to make money off it.
i.e email addresses, names, physical addresses, IP address, cookies are what you should have consent for.
I think you’re reading far too much into it in my opinion. It’s the designers job to follow their clients instructions on GDPR though, you’re not responsible for making their company compliant… unless they’ve hired you to do that.
Content is not an issue with GDPR.
Hi Markos,
it is also about transferability of personal data in machine readable format between different systems/platforms/data containers, this is why I’m pre-emptively asking about this aspect in regards to Webflow as I can forsee a client asking the same thing at some point.
GDPR definitions of personal data include the following:
The GDPR provides a non-exhaustive list of identifiers, including:
identification number;
location data; and
an online identifier. - Is a personal website, for example someones portfolio with a domain name that is the same as their name an online identifier, I would say yes it is?
In terms of CMS and consent what happens when the data entered into the CMS is done by the client and constitutes their personal data?
Currently it seems that externalisation of compliance is being moved from Service providers > Designers/Developers > End users. Whilst I understand that it is in the interest of platforms such as Webflow to externalise compliance and wall off data for commercial reasons I can’t help but think it would be so much easier to do things different to the norm and just make everything easy for all involved to comply with the regulations.
As far as I can comprehend there will need to be a method to provide personal data in machine readable format (csv/xml etc) from the CMS. In terms of product design and sustainability I’d argue that it’s in Webflow’s interest to be bold, transparent and generous rather than follow the protectionist route so prevalent with web based technologies.
It will also help designers sell the benefits of CMS hosting with Webflow as potential pitfalls of the CMS are negated and the real value comes from features, time/cost saving of staying on the platform for hosting and the community and support systems. All of which are easier to sell to clients, and reflect positively on the Webflow brand.
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