My website is hosted under the custom domain
When sending a contact form using the website, the G-suite email box is supposed to receive the mail, but no mail is received, while other gmail accounts i’ve configured to receive it, do receive the mail.
Hi @Cricitem I’m sending the form results to 3 different mail addresses. Tried sending it only to the problematic one, nothing happens, no email received.
It looks like the email address you were using was blacklisted by our bulk mailing provider, it could be due to fact that this is a resource mailbox like “info”. Generally speaking, when there are bulk emailers sending messages to “resource” mailboxes, i.e. not personal mailboxes, there is a higher probability of mails getting blocked by agressive spam filters.
Fortunately, Webflow built in a way to get that email removed from the Blacklist, and I have now cleared that in Webflow side.
Could you help to send another form submission and let me know if any issues?
Hi @cyberdave, thank you for your help. Unfortunately, I just sent 2 form submissions and it still doesn’t work.
In one of my tests, I did receive this message to the problematic mail box:
Hi @mistercreate, thank you so much for your help, but I’m not sure what should I be looking for, since when sending an email from my private Gmail box to the problematic email box, the email is received. Only when I send the form submission from the website, this problem occurs.
I took in our mail logs and I can see that the message is getting sent from Webflow ok after we removed the blacklist on our end (We only have capability to remove the blacklist from our own sending side):
Email [New contact request from RoshTivon website] sent To: [] Bcc: [-] Response: {"message":"250 OK
If the mail is not being received, then it is likely the mail is getting bounced and not making it to the incoming mail server at the receiving domain, which usually means that there is some extra agressive spam filter or other reason that the message does not make it through.
In this case, I would use a different email, or alternatively, use another method to capture and then send the form submissions to the client, i.e. using Zapier to save the info to Google Mail or Google sheets (Zapier Integration | Webflow University).