Ecommerce Navigation - Categories and Sub Categories

Hi Webflow Community

Long time reader, first time posting.

I’m struggling with a solution for adding a navigation directory solution to my Ecommerce store. I want to be able to show all store categories and sub categories to enable faster navigation of my store and also providing mobile users with a extensive navigation option if they are browsing on a phone.

My store currently has 148 products with 236 varients, with 25 categories (including subs) but growing daily.

I thought I could do this through nested CMS fields, setup one for primary categories, then another inside that for sub categories with a filter to only show those related to the primary category. However this feature is not available yet but is in planning. (Please vote for it if you have any spares Wishlist: Nested Links)

I figured out a really tedious way of doing with with CMS items, adding one collection, filtering by the name of the collection, limiting it to one, and then adding another CMS collection underneath with a filter for items related only to the primary category. Then copying and pasting that and changing the both filters to the next category. Only then did I find out that there is a limit of 20 CMS items per page…

So then I had to revert to an even more tedious version, adding all store categories and secondary categories manually… Below is an example of how far I’ve got, it’s just going to get bigger.

And here’s an example of a much larger version for reference from (Trade Me) (the Kiwi version of Ebay)

Any feedback on a better way of doing this would be great, also any feedback on the website, it’s very much a work in progress, integrated e-commerce into a blog website and launched it on the insistence of a client before features were ready and site wide style and design was consistent.

Here is the live website link:
Here is my public share link: Webflow - Treading Lightly
(how to access public share link)

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Also I would love to be able to share a count of the items in Categories similar to the Trade Me example but from what I understand that also isn’t achievable yet: Wishlist: Item counts in Collection