Ecommerce Subcategories

Is it possible to have eccommerce subcategories? I’m trying to recreate the structure I’m currently using ( in webflow with standard collections . Basically: category \ subcategory \ product


You can accomplish the organizational aspect but not the nested paths at this time.

This post has more detail .

No. I hope webflow will add this feature soon (3 levels tree structure is the heart of 90% of the stores).

Man > shoes > nike-model-x
Man > shirts > model-z

Until this idea added i can not work with webflow e commerce :frowning:


Hey @MODBrian you can achieve this with a combination of CMS Collections and Ecommerce. By “this” I mean the user experience and navigation, and not the nested url structure. If you want to see how I’ve actually made a video about setting up breadcrumb navigation and how to setup the cms to do so.

Here are two clone links:
basic wireframe version: breadcrumbs-for-cms-ecommerce - Webflow
stylized version from video:

Hope this helps you understand what’s currently possible.


Please vote to this idea (Indirectly related - The idea that more emphasis should be given to the whole issue of categories in the system).

CMS -> modifying-a-collection -> Filter by category (Reference Field):

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Thanks for information. Ill check out video.

I’ll check all the videos and i just want to tell that awesome.

I have the same problem.
I want to sell my art and need subcategories to structure my shop.
For the UX it’S important to show only the necessary items.

Please Webflow, work on this feature.