Data-w-id Numbers in Code export


Here is my preview :

(if some images doesn’t appear it’s completely normal I’ve used the display non trick for the initial state problem in animation)

After exporting I have those sort of line in my code :

<div data-w-id=“0a06c3fc-fcc2-4ad3-140a-657d281dd8a0” class=“about-title-image-column w-col w-col-4 w-col-medium-4”><img src=“images/photo-chowee01.jpg” alt=“Photo” class=“about-image”></div>

Is it possible to replace the number (which I understand is for the animation) in data-w-id=“0a06c3fc-fcc2-4ad3-140a-657d281dd8a0” ?

with something like this : data-w-id=“animation-photo-chowee01”

I’ve tried to change the ID (For in-page linking) in image settings (it doesn’t obviously work) but nothing happens

Is there a way to do that in Webflow Designer directly BEFORE EXPORTING ?


I am having the same problem. My html design was refused for the development team because that. They said that the code is organized, but the code is not readable, when they see these data-w-id…

I don’t use interactions for this very reason, unless the site is to remain on WF hosting.