I’ve exported my code from Webflow and I am getting ready to host it using another platform. When I paste the code into this new platform i’ve noticed that nothing shows up.
What causes it is this piece of code which is found throughout my index.html file.
<div data-w-id="39a5d26d-d239-5fea-84a7-3b9464d0b8df" style="opacity:0" class="ts-resume-right mobile">
What is this code for? And what would be the repercussions of me not using it?
I looked through your source code and it seems to be part of a section that is set to “display: none” in your Webflow project on desktop, and displayed on tablet and below. Specifically this section:
Ah, well the “data-w-id” comes from having interactions set on certain elements. You could try changing the interactions from the current element to classes and see if the “data-w-id” is removed. Otherwise I would suggest to remove the interactions all together.