CSV CMS Import with image files not working - PLEASE HELP!

HI, so I am trying to migrate my site from Wix to WF… I have a CSV database file that listins all my images as well as additional info about each file, including a link. I would like to import all of them into relevant fields of the CMS. I have the image files accessible on the dropbox and I have the links in the CSV fields.

When I do a CSV import and map the image field to the field with the link, a preview of the image shows up (see screenshot below), however, when I complete the import and get the “Success” message, there are no actual images in the CMS entries… I don’t understand what I am doing wrong…

please help!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Can you provide a couple of the Image URL’s for inspection?

here are the ones that I have been testing with…

‘‘Dropbox - Error’’

you know now that i sent you the links, i realize that it must be some sort of issue with dropbox… do you happen to know if it is possible to get files from dropbox into the CMS on webflow and if so how would it have to work?

I know that importing files from normal web url’s works as long as the url’s are not restricted from public access. That would be the best approach.

Does dropbox restrict access to webflow or is there a setting you can make in dropbox to allow access? I’m having the same issue, the thumbnail will show up for a second and then say that the “image link is broken”.

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I am having trouble with creating items from dropbox images via the api. I assume it is related to your issue. Did you get it working? Normal website images work, just not dropbox urls.

Super old thread here, but I had the same issue.

To solve, just replace ?dl=0 or ?dl=1 with ?raw=1 on the end of your shared dropbox link.

See: How to force a shared Dropbox link to download | Dropbox Help

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@dnfdrmn This was a huge help!