Create page folders like

Hey @cyberdave

I am trying to have the url extension for 2 languages eg:

Can I simply drap my ‘DE’ pages into the ‘DE’ folder? and the same for the ‘ENG’.

HI @garethknott, thanks for the post. Yes, you can just drag those pages to their correct folders. Please note, if you had links to these pages already, you will need to reset the links to these pages once you move them.

I hope this helps :slight_smile: Cheers, Dave

OK cool thanks lightening dave:-)

Hi @cyberdave I have just done the nesting- but all the links still work

Is that correct?



Hi @garethknott, the pages look fine. If you did not have to change any links, that is great, if you have a test site you want me to check those links, I am happy to do so. Cheers, Dave

Hi @cyberdave do I make the Parent folder the priority landing folder/page ?

I would do “EN” instead of “ENG” as this is commonly used.

Hi @garethknott, I am not sure I understand the question. Your home page will be your parent page, and you can create links to pages in those folders (but not links to folders themselves).

I hope that answers your question, if not, let me know :smile: cheers, Dave