Copy/Paste from Google Docs no longer formats

EDIT: I’ve tried from multiple browsers, multiple paths and intermediary tools to copy paste. I’ve tried downloading as various file formats.

As of recently (a couple weeks) it no longer seems possible to copy/paste from Google Docs into the CMS rich text field and retain formatting.

It formats some things, but then just smashes some headers into prior sentences.

Has some change been made to how the CMS works?

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

It seems like Webflow’s CMS rich text field isn’t handling pasted content from Google Docs as cleanly as before, possibly due to a change in how formatting is interpreted. To fix this, try pasting without formatting (Cmd+Shift+V / Ctrl+Shift+V) and then manually applying styles, or use an intermediary step—paste into a plain text editor first, then into Webflow. If that doesn’t work, pasting into a Webflow static rich text element first (outside the CMS) and then copying it into the CMS might help retain formatting. Also, check if any recent Webflow updates affected this behavior.

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This sounds 1:1 like an AI response FYI.

In either case I have tried all of those things. None of them work. I’ve tried from multiple browsers, multiple paths and intermediary tools to copy paste. I’ve tried downloading as various file formats.

It all results in the exact same issue when pasting into the CMS.

Hey Ryan, I don’t paste from Google Docs often in my current process so I would not have noticed a change. What you’ll want to do is demonstrate it, video it, and open a support ticket.

Loom is good for this.

Over the past year-ish, WF’s been trying to work out the kinks in its Markdown support so that you can paste Markdown content into your rich text field and it will be automatically formatted. My best guess is that they’ve switched this on again- the problem this created last time is that in some cases it would incorrectly detect markdown formatting and then markdown-convert content that was not actually markdown, due to detection of some markdown formatting characters like * or [].

That seems the most likely scenario based on your description.