Hi guys! I’m pretty new to Webflow; recently bought a template to get up and running quickly.
I’m having trouble with the blog section of my Website. I’ve deleted some of the actual blog posts that came with the template as they are obviously no longer needed. But in doing that, it looks like the collection has been unlinked to the collection list that displays on the page.
I created 3 blog posts myself and I want those to show in the ‘latest blogs’ section, and for one to be featured in the hero section at the top. How would I do this? I thought it would just update when I published a new blog post.
1st video of me explaining is here [https://www.loom.com/share/b0e8c56987ec421cbdb8dc698b506874]
And here’s some more details:
Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - ARCx Analytics