Has anyone working on large sites with CMS and webflow hosting run into this limit? I was told it is a hard limit for performance reasons and you can’t purchase more even if you wanted to.
If that’s the case, what is your plan for scaling on those larger projects? Are you planning to use a different CMS?
I had to punt Webflow for a project that exceeded the max numbers. My guess is that since all the pages are pre-rendered on the servers, they implemented practical limits.
I am using another CMS and working on front ending it with Gatsby.
Bummer. Hopefully they find a way to increase performance and allow for larger projects. They already use elasticsearch. I know the news site spiegel was able to impressively scale statamic (static pages as well) using elasticsearch, or at least that’s what statamic’s two part blog post on the subject claimed.
@milkyway there is a lesser known plan on Webflow called Enterprise. Try reaching out through this page, and they may be able to work up a custom solution for you (with a cost associated of course) - https://webflow.com/enterprise
Thanks justin! To clarify, I did reach out via that form and the hard limit of 10,000 was mentioned. That was a few months ago so maybe that has changed.
Hey Jeff, sorry to revive this old thread, but would be interested to hear more on your approach to this, and maybe others looking at this topic would be also