Classfied Website


I am searching for theme for classified website.

Idea of website is simple, to have possibility to listing information about avilable services ar particular city or country, each publication will cost number of tokens, token value is depend on purchased number of tokens. Posting for avilable service at particular city there can be different number of token be needed for publication.

Also possbility to have advertisment banner on web page and to sale online advertisment banners.

Can ylu help me to find any ready theme with similar features or what is giving possibility to upgrate or correct as per my needs?

Hey Mirian, you’ll want to do you research here.

Webflow is not natively designed for building apps. Look into MemberStack as an addon to support user logins and the programming you’d need for user-specific data storage, classified ad ownership, editing interfaces, etc.

Hi @MirianTS.
Josh with Foxy here. You might consider the following tech stack:

  • Foxy (for payments/subscriptions)
  • Webflow (for website)
  • Airtable (for data/user management)
  • Byteline or Whalesync (sync data to Webflow CMS)
  • Noloco (or similar tool) (visual dashboard builder that piggy backs on Airtable data)

Please check out for a live example that uses the proposed tech stack.

We’ve got a lot of experience in this area and are happy to chat through your needs and see if Foxy is a good fit. We can even handle the setup/integration for you. Feel free to email
