Changing Hamburger Menu Icon in the Default Navbar


I’ve tried searching through the forums for an answer to my question but I haven’t been able to figure out a solution. I created a custom hamburger icon for my site, and was trying to replace the default icon in the default nav bar with the icon I created.

When I added the icon, everything looked alright:

But when I went to go delete the old icon, my new icon disappeared and this is all I can see:

Does anyone have any ideas on what I might be able to do to fix this? Any help, comments, or insight is much appreciated!

Here is my site Read-Only:

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Hello @lacke

Can you share your read only link so I can check


Hi @PeterDimitrov! My read only link is

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Hi @lacke

Try setting fixed size to your menu icon image


Setting a fixed size worked perfectly and now I can see the icon! Thank you so much @PeterDimitrov :slight_smile:

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Happy to help @lacke
