Can't erase Element IDs

EDIT: I somehow fixed the navbar issue

I made a mistake and added element IDs to things that I wasn’t supposed to, such as the problem navlink and the container in the About Me section. When I try to delete them, they come back as soon as I tab out to a different element.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK

I see it and I can’t erase it either, I refiled your message in the bug category.

Hi @kshin3000 ,

Thanks for the Read-only link, as it was very helpful.

I was able to create a clone of your project, and reproduce what you’re experiencing.

This definitely sounds like odd behavior, and so I’ve gone ahead and notified our engineers about this issue.

Though I do not yet have a timeline of when the fix will be available, I will definitely let you know as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance for you patience :bowing_man:

cool, I appreciate the quick response!

I shipped a fix that should be live now. Thank you for this report, and apologies for the wait!


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