Cannot use interactions on multiple sites (very frustrating) + undo bug

Hello Webflow community,

Since about 2 Weeks i have that undo bug witch is extremely annoying but now I have huge problems pasting elements with an interaction into another site or adding the same page trigger to another page, it simply disconnects every interaction form the target. In the animation panel it shows only the alert sign…When i change the target to the element it works on the site im working on but it doesnt wort on the original site…it is frustrating…i cannot even copy a Burger with an animation into another page without having to duplicate the interaction and then retargeting everything…is there a solution in sight? I work mainly with Webflow so it is a pain in the ass right now…is this happen to anybody else?

Here is the read only link to a project with the burger button interaction broken:

Here to Screenshots of two pages on the same site with the exact same elements.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
([how to share your site Read-Only link][2])


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