Brazil Webflow Meetup

Hi guys! I’m Vitor Guerra from São Paulo, Brazil.

My team and I work almost every day with Webflow since i first knew about it. Like many others users i’m in love with it! Congrats for the amazing product :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you have intentions to bring some presencial meetup or forum about Webflow to Brazil? Would be great! If you need i could help you with it. I’m very active in UX groups and Meetups around here.



Hi @vitorguerra I don’t know of any Webflow specific meetups happening in Brazil. But if you’re starting one, I’m happy to help with tips and advice to get it going :slight_smile:

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Nice @PixelGeek! I think this meetup is a great idea. If you have any advice, please tell me more about.
Could Webflow send some gifts, promocodes or licences for some of the participants? :wink:

Same here in Belo Horizonte/BR too! <3

Good luck organizing :slight_smile: I’ve tried to organize a Webflow meetup in Berlin before, without any luck…

Hi @vitorguerra and others,

I’m brazilian too (from Porto Alegre) and very surprised with Webflow.

Looking for any move in order to see Webflow more brazilian (users, groups, localization, partnerships etc etc etc).

Best regards…


@kasperkazzual Webflow staff make something to help your meetup? Like send a email to Webflow users in Berlin about the meetup?

@fersousa @douglasrpinho Pô, três pessoas de estados diferentes! hahaha

Hehe! Temos um grupo no Facebook com algumas pessoas já.

Participa lá:


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Valeu. Pouco leio a respeito do Webflow no Brasil. Impressionante em se tratando da qualidade.


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Cheers pessoal, sou de Ribeirão Preto - SP (em breve em Tokyo), legal ter um grupo aqui e no facebook.