Blog post slug/url is linking to a 404 page

I have a CMS collection created along with the template page. The collection item is using the page from the purple dropdown to pull in the url. It’s been working fine until now.

It works fine in the read only link, but live it doesn’t work.

The problem is the post is linking, but lands on a 404 page even though it’s pulling the correct url. Even when I test the url provided directly from the blog article in the CMS, it doesn’t find the page?

Any help appreciated.

Read only link:

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Your collection page isn’t published.
Switch this on and republish-

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Amazing, thank you for jumping in there and helping out. Forgot this was an option and had it hidden because it’s still being worked on.

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It bites a lot of people.

It’s a great feature, but it would be nice if all publishing options were available on one publishing screen for centralized review and adjustment.

Ideally the sitemap configuration settings ( exclude page from sitemaps ) would appear there as well.