Beta Release: Webflow Interactions!

@LJB I have the same issue :frowning: For Google Chrome and also Firefox only the click events are working. Anything else does not work. With Microsoft Internet Explorer everything works just fine :wink: @webflow Can you reproduce this bug?

@Sommer what are the specs of your machine? Is it a touch screen of any kind?

@Sommer @danro

I have realized it is just Chrome on my computer, a Lenovo. I got the interactions working fine in Chrome on a MacBook. Not sure if that has something to do with it or not.

@danro: It is a Dell Precision workstation with Windows 8.1 (64 bit) and a touch screen. For the test, I used Chrome and Firefox by keyboard and mouse.

Chrome 34.0.1847.116 m
Firefox 28

@danro I tried to reset Chrome back to default settings–but nothing changed :frowning:

@danro It is me again :wink: Is the bug may related to this error:

@Sommer We have a known issue where certain touch devices (possibly including your Dell touch screen) are being too eagerly prevented from using scroll / hover triggers.

As soon as we have a fix in place we’ll post an update. Thanks!

Hi all- we’ve pushed a fix for the issues with Firefox and other browsers on Windows touch-enabled PCs. Let us know if you still have issues with triggers not running on certain devices.

I have found one bug!

But well done on just one!

When I set the scroll interaction feature on a zone with a fixed background the when I scroll that image off the screen then scroll back the image is pushed down to the bottom. The position above the bottom is based on the speed i scroll up but its never past half way. I got around this by putting the scroll interaction zone inside the block with the fixed bg image.

Other than that amazing work!

Dear @danro: Thanks a lot :slight_smile: For me, anything is fine now :slight_smile: Both, with Firefox and Chrome! Best regards, Thorsten.

I’ve noticed this when inside the Design/Editor.

Doesn’t happen when Published though as you can see. First time is inside the designer/editor and the second time is published.

@jamiecarter7 Transforms and fixed backgrounds are notorious for being incompatible with each other. It sounds like you may be seeing some of Chrome’s limitations in this area. Does it also look visually glitchy with lines going through?

@thegrafiqlyfe Not sure that I understand the issue here… something to do with the mouse cursor?

Yes, and the image is pushed to the bottom with grey for the top part.
I did get around it by putting the interactions on a div within the container and that did not show the errors.

The background is pushed away or disappears when the interaction takes place (button clicked) in preview mode. No issue for me… just pointing out what I noticed.

I moved a post to an existing topic: I can’t get to manage Interactions with breakpoints

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