We’ve just launched the Interactions feature on http://interactions.webflow.com - please check out the examples, help articles, videos, etc and let us know if you have any feedback.
Excited to see what you can come up with!
We’ve just launched the Interactions feature on http://interactions.webflow.com - please check out the examples, help articles, videos, etc and let us know if you have any feedback.
Excited to see what you can come up with!
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You guys! I want to cry with joy! Amazing features.
Well done with the sample site and vids. Many thanks.
Vlad, this is awesome. You guys really know how to keep our palettes satiated!
CONGRATS Team Webflow. =D
Thanks guys! But a quick note that I had almost nothing to do with it, except getting out of the way All the credit goes to @danro for building Interactions and @thesergie for making it look extra awesome!
Pretty fantastic stuff! Of course, it’s been up for like, 2 hours already so the inevitable next question: Any ETA on Add/Remove Classes? (No rest for the wicked!)
I moved 2 posts to a new topic: How to show/hide object on scroll interaction
Fantastic guys, great job!
Amazing work guys, you really are bringing it all together!
I moved a post to a new topic: Can someone make a template based off of interactions.webflow.com?
This is awesome. You are awesome. Webflow is my new favourite place.
I moved a post to a new topic: Is it possible to change an object color when scrolling with interaction feature?
Hey, I’m not sure if this is my issue specifically or if it’s an issue with the IX design one pager but the video’s won’t load. At the moment, the best way for me to view is find their correlation on Vimeo. However, in the IX design page, once I click on the video of choice, the window for the specific video loads but then it’s just a black rectangle, I tried reloading the page and/or frame, but nothing then either, I even tried to update some of my own features in chrome, but they’re all up to date, I even tried disabling adblocker (chrome extension) and that did nothing either.
Not sure what the problem is, maybe just check on your end and see if it’s an admin issue.
I have it working fine in Google Canary, Mozilla, just Chrome is an issue, not sure if it’s me specifically or globally, if it helps, there’s an error in the Chrome console. Just let me know I guess so I know if it’s my browser or if it’s a webflow admin issue. - This is on desktop, havent tested tablet or phone. @thesergie
Hi @V_Man,
Thanks for the post! I seem to be playing them fine from my end (I also have the most up to date Chrome). You mentioned that they were working on their correlating Vimeo page? Are you able to play any of the Interaction videos on our Tutorials page here: Webflow 101 crash course | Webflow University
Thanks for brining this to our attention, I’m going to continue testing different pages to duplicate the error.
Playing those videos isn’t an issue. I’m on a different machine now, and all videos work across the board in Chrome, it’s my home machine that seems to be playing up, however I did update chrome’s video settings, but haven’t had a chance to test it.
I’m sure it’s nothing major, I just found it odd, for all I know it could be something really insignificant interrupting vimeo’s api.
appreciate the feedback though, you guys are doing an amazing job here, I thoroughly enjoy these new interactive features.
Great! Glad to hear the videos are playing, and so happy that you’ve enjoyed using Interactions thus far
Thanks again,
Hey guys, have been messing around with interactions and one ‘element’ built was this:
as soon as 3d space is available (flipping / rotating in z-space) not to be confused with z-index, I’ll be able to play around more. I’m an avid user of after effects and adobe edge, so I find the user interface (or IX, rather) quite intuitive.
I’m relatively used to coding animations, but this is really a step up in terms of speed and preview. Id go as far to say that it’s on the way to blowing such programs as sencha out of the water.
Keep up the great work