Base breakpoint

So I started creating some website at my laptop, when I started i made a larger breakpoint (monitor icon) and I had a plan to start first at that largest breakpoint then I would do the responsive on other breakpoints. After 2 days I recognize that there is a star icon on laptop breakpoint, I dont know when and I dont know how that star appeared there. So I needed to start making website on that breakpoint first then on larger one. But for some reason when I edit on larger breakpoint, it applied changes on laptop breakpoint even if its base breakpoint. So what i need to do?? No matter what breakpoint im editing it will apply on the other breakpoint. Can i change base breakpoint? Please any help would be great!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

The breakpoint with the star is the base. This cannot be changed.
Breakpoints wider than the base: elements styles will cascade upward
Breakpoint skinnier than the base: element styles will cascade downward

FNSweet has a Chrome Extension that allows you to remove the larger breaks if needed:

Appreciate it man! So do I actually need wider breakpoint than base if I am working on my laptop?