Background Video, hangs during transcoding

Hello, gang:

I’ve been trying to get a background video to upload. It’s in .mp4. Initial export from AE at 18++mb, and then I reexported it out of Premier (still mp4) at 25mb. It just transcodes up to 90% and stops. The files themselves are all playing fine on their own (not corrupted) - and I have tried countless times, including after restarting my device, resigning into webflow, multiple times after a couple of hours…It just doesn’t progress past an exact location on the transcoding progress bar.

If you’re checking out my work-in-progress, the bg video placeholder is the blank under the image with the lotties.

p/s Working out of Chrome.

p/p/s If you need access to these video files, here is a dropbox link: Dropbox - Videos4Webflow - Simplify your life

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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I had the same problem and after MANY tries, fixed it by shortening the filename, no spaces, no special characters.

I am having this problem as well. I’ve tried shortening the filename down to a few letters, no spaces no spaces or special characters, and it still hangs at 90% transcoded. I’m trying to upload a 20MB webm video.

@usemath @szollar did you all ever figure out this issue?

and as I typed it I tried shortening my file name to 3 characters and it worked!

I had the same issue while uploading the .webm video, after so many tries, i compressed my video and it worked.