Background video bugs & codec

What exactly is the video codec that Webflow expects to see? I have used WEBM, MOV and MP4, and found that MJPEG (in MOV container) was the only format Webflow accepted.

Also, there’s a bug in the primary upload section where none of these video formats are even seen. You need to use the Upload widget on a background video element, yet there is no explanation of that, the upload isn’t even attempted.

Here is my site Read-Only:

IMPORTANT: Not sure if this is related to the new beta Style Panel or the fact that I tried uploading video roughly 6 times, but when I export the site, I got a notice that 6 files were missing from the zip file. I checked the Assets manager and they are all present and visible on the site where they should be.

I tried the export again and it worked as expected.

Hi @daxliniere

Thanks for posting about this — happy to add a bit of clarity here.

Currently, it’s not possible to upload videos to the Asset Manager. The only way to upload a video is to do so directly in the Background video element.

That said, you should be able to upload any webm, mov, mp4, & ogg videos to the background video element — all are supported. You can read more on this here: Backgrounds | Webflow University

If you continue to have issues, can you shoot me a DM with a link to the video you’re trying to upload and your Read-Only link?

The export issue may be something else entirely here :thinking: I’m glad to hear it’s working now though. Please let us know if you run into that again.

Thanks Brandon, much appreciated.

Would be great if you would add a warning or a notice when you attempt to add a video file to the Asset Manager, please.

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