Yeah I haven’t had it work for multiple images and it sometimes doesn’t work dragging and dropping one either. I’m sure they’re working on it but the upload button works fine.
Thanks @DFink good to know. I suppose I can restart my computer and try again.
You may want to try another browser. Chrome seems to work best for me.
I’m facing the same error…
@DFink That’s a logical solution, but I just completely stripped Chrome and any references of that browser from my system recently. It’s quite the resource guzzler and well, I just want to reduce the amount of Google tech that reaches into my life.
@Renan_M_falo Sorry to hear, I will keep you posted if anything changes on my end
Photos will not update when replaced in either of my 2 CMS collections. Was giving me a validation error. Now it acts like everything is ok but when I go to publish it doesn’t update. Have cleared cache and am in incognito mode.
Probably worth mentioning I also tried fully deleting the image first before uploading a new one as well. Did not work.
Link to video explanation here:
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Hi @outerwhitespace, thanks for your report, this might be due to an issue with Amazon today, see this post: Amazon S3 troubles: unable to upload site assets, publishing and site duplication - #15 by matthewosullivan
Interesting. Okay, thank you. I will try again later on.
I’m having a similar issue. I can’t upload a photo to a new collection. I get a validation error. This seems to be a common issue with Webflow CMS going back to 2017.
Now it’s working. AWS DNS problems?
I cant add an image to the asset manager.
The uploading animation starts, then hangs, then the image disappears.
This is not a CMS collection, just a normal image to the asset manager.
I keep uploading pictures into my CMS but once I hit save, the picture disappears. I have tried switching browsers but that hasnt worked either
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Hi @Ifeanyi_Onubogu - seems Amazon Web Services, which is used for Webflow, has been down for many people. Others are seeing issues as well. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the feedback , makes sense now
Looks like the problem is solved here (the Netherlands), thanks for the quick response @cyberdave
I have been using material icons font on my projects with no problem, uploading was ok. BUT I started a new project and webflow refuses to upload the font. No idea what happened.
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Hi @AndresHart - Amazon Web Services, which is used for Webflow, has been down for many people. Others are seeing issues as well, and perhaps this is also affecting font uploads. Hope this helps!
Today, my website has images that have disappeared!!! Even when I go back to a 5 days backup it’s gone. This is unbelievable, I have sent my brand new website to people, prospecting for work, and now I am looking like a fool. I’m feeling sick.
Rafael Macho
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Hey @rafdesign – sorry to hear about your issue! Looks like there are some issues with Amazon Web Services (where your website is hosted) that have been causing problems for users all day, myself included. It should be fixed soon enough, but it’s worth considering throwing an “Under Maintenance” screen up until it’s resolved.
I have not received any email from Webflow saying that they’re having issues with their servers. Have you?