Adding code for Google TAG MANAGER

Hi guys,

I am trying to add Google Tag Manager to Webflow. I have added the first code (via Custom Code) in Project Settings. Where should I add the second code? Some say to add it right under the Footer section in Custom Code where I added the first Tag Manager code, but the Webflow tutorial says to open Designer and add a code embed right after the body tag. However, this video is more than 4 years old, and a lot has changed since then for webflow layout.

And if webflow tutorial is right, do i need to embed code across all the pages one by one including DYNAMIC CMS pages???

Please guide me on where to add the Tag Manager code.


Google says to include it immediately after the opening body tag. That’s what Webflow tutorial says too. It is where I put it.

Yep, and all collection templates.

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thanks for helping mee…i was wondering since days if i am using right place or not… :slight_smile: