It seems post content isn’t available for the built-in RSS feed. I use ConvertKit for my newsletter and have an RSS automation set up to send posts to my list; however, without content available in the RSS feed, this doesn’t work. How can I add post content to the RSS feed?
Hey Jeremy,
It sounds like you’re trying to find a way to deliver your article HTML from a rich text CMS field into your RSS?
RSS is designed as a notification protocol, more than a data-transport protocol. It would get unusable fast if the files got much too large- as RSS is polled, not pushed.
Typically in the RSS-driven newsletters I create, I just want the title, image, plain-text brief, and link to the full article. That creates the best presentation, and the point is to drive traffic back to the site.
If you’re really wanting to put the full article in your HTML, you’d use automation instead like Make, Zapier or n8n.
@memetican Thanks for the reply. Virtually every RSS feed has content included. I subscribe to several email lists that automatically email post content to subscribers. I don’t find what I’m asking for out of line; in fact, I have been shown workflows that do this relatively easily. Webflow seems to make it very difficult to get post content out of the CMS. Audienceful seems to be the only option of running a blog and email list jointly, but it’s very new and raw. I’m really questioning choosing Webflow over WP.
I haven’t seen that, even in blog aggregation services I’ve built, less than 30% of the blog feeds use full-body content. But there are probably use cases for it… and yes Webflow doesn’t make that easy with the lack of rich text field insertion.
If you really want it, I’d probably explore doing it with a feed generator that parses HTML. There seem to be a few good free ones.
Re Wordpress v. Webflow, yes that’s an important decision to make. They’re entirely different platforms with very different goals. Wordpress is centered on blogs, and uses templates and widgets for its presentation layer. Webflow is a designer, that gives you UI customizability, and enough CMS support to build a decent blog. I like Webflow for its HTML-design customizability. It’s much easier to make things look the way clients want… but the programmatic layer is a struggle.