After working long and hard on the next iteration of our website. Here it is finally! its a big step up from its older brother which you can still find @
The site webflow foundation was great! but on top of that we have extended the possibilities and small tweaks externally, using fullpage.js, equal columnheight, multilingualizer and ofcourse analytics and pixel.
I hope you’ll like it! And would love to hear what you think!
The is much more attractive to my eye. Maybe it doesn’t have the same features and size as the other site but it’s a really nice experience - it’s fun.
Hey! Yes your right! its a cooler experience! thats why we kept it online, basically experience is the site that we show to creatives and the other site is where we send direct customers. These didn’t usually understand what we do based on the old website!
New website is great, maybe some extra padding on the “What we create” and “Process” sections? The text does seems a little close together.
The showreel… good grief! That just blew my mind. Really, just beautiful and the music was incredible too. I like how it only displays once on the load so doesn’t keep appearing when you visit again.
The old site is fantastic too, I completely understand the need for two separate websites, you send them there for the experience, and the new one gives the details…
Are they both created with Webflow?
I also love the Team section on the experience… the way their heads move is ingenious!