Width of body too wide


I’m working on a site however I’m having issues with the width of the body. As you can see in the pictures I’ve attached. I can scroll endlessly to the right. I would like it to have the same width of the navigation.

I hope I’m properly expressing myself.

Thank you!!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Did you set amy size on you Body? My suggestion is that you create a subclass of the body (MyBody) apply your settings like font, font size. The you create a section where you apply your other setting like height and with. My suggestion is to use % or Auto fort the with

Thank you for this!! I’ve decided to redo the page since it was the only one I had the issue with :slight_smile:

The body elemnet is the whole page. In body create div (NOT section) and give it name eg. main. For this main div container set max-width eg. 1280px and margin for left and right to auto. Now your content section will have max-width 1280px and is centred. Inside you can start placing your sections and to body some background if you need. This is common practice at least for me in majority projects.