Ok my bad
So once I scroll down, the ABOUT section is supposed to stick and when I keep scrolling, the CONTACT section reveals. Right now, as I scroll down, it automatically animates, without the section sticking to the top. I don’t want the CONTACT section to reveal before the entire ABOUT section is visible. Hope it’s not confusing.
Here’s a reference for something similar. Instead of pressing the CONTACT section, it has to reveal itself once I scroll down.
Sticky works in such a way that when a child is set to sticky it will stay at a certain position for the duration of it’s parent’s scrolling. Meaning that the parent’s height should be larger than the height of this sticky element and should not be determined by the height of the sticky element. In your case sticky is the div that includes all the content and its parent’s height = sticky element’s height. So where would the stickiness come from?
And guys one of the most important things is, if any of the parents is on “hidden overflow” no child will ever stick, keep that in mind. Finding that out took me waaay too long haha.