I’ve got a client asking why files are whitelabelled like this: https://assets.website-files.com/randomfilename and not on your domain.
I’d like to at least give a proper explanation??
Any have an reason?
I’ve got a client asking why files are whitelabelled like this: https://assets.website-files.com/randomfilename and not on your domain.
I’d like to at least give a proper explanation??
Any have an reason?
Webflow provides asset storage on a CDN. One is not built for each client as that would not be practical and this is how the solution is engineered. You can always use embeds and your own if you want to.
Hi, I hope someone can help me with this question. I try to find out what is the difference between the two ways to store assets. I’ve seen a lot of sites which uses assets.website-files.com, but my sites have uploads-ssl.webflow.com what do I need to do to get the first opportunity?
@C-Webcreation Uploads are the Asset manager links, website-files are the AWS bucket all our stuff get stored in when we publish. Effectively the Webflow CDN. So, when you publish and inspect you assets should sit on website-files, when you copy the link to the uploaded file in the asset manager, it’ll be uploads.
Hi Jakes, thank you so much for your reply. Unfortunately I still don’t get it… I was talking about published sites only. I mean when I take a look in the browser inspector and there into the network tab – there are some sites using assets.website-files and some uploads-ssl.webflow.com.
I don’t understand the difference. Is one of them just at seperate hosted sites? (I guess not)… Just trying to find out where this comes from , cause I want to know if one of them is the better choise when it comes to gdpr.
Thank you and greetings
A post was split to a new topic: Assets throw a 403 error