Website performance on homepage is really poor

I hope to get some help on this.[…]c7277733ab&pageId=633eb2196bc573548d082b1c&workflow=preview
My home page ranking on mobile and desktop both are very low. I don’t understand how to improve it.
Any guide to it.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Share a published link or we can only guess what the issues are.
here it is

That would be a link to where the site is published, not a read-only designer link.

@webdev @sumit_singh

I’m just gonna leave the link to the published site (extracted from the read-only link) to speed things up here.

Can you please guide me how to get that link? or you asking the website url?

There is a page in the Webflow University that I recommend you review if you haven’t.
It should help you resolve your issue.

If you are still stuck, let us know.


What are you trying to rank for?