Weblow CMS + Snipcart integration - Quantity selector

Hi everyone,

I’m currently developing an e-commerce on Webflow + Snipcart integration.

I’m trying to create a quantity selector (+ / - buttons) next to the quantity input. I found some js code to change the value inside the input when clicking on the + or - buttons.

The problem is that the value doesn’t change when adding the product to the cart.
With a picture:

Note: If you manually change the quantity in the input (= not using the + / - buttons), the desired amount of product is correctly added to the cart.

Is there anyone here who can help me with this?

Thanks a lot!

Here is my site Read-Only: Read-only link
Here is the published link, at the section where my problem is: Published site

Hi, yours is the perfect example to my problem as well, it seems it’s working on your site now.

anyway for the site, I’m practicing on, whenever I click the add to cart button, it always opens the cart, how come yours doesn’t? ezgif.com-gif-maker (1)

Your site is awesome!

Hi Peter,


To avoid opening the cart directly after adding a product, you need to add data-config-add-product-behavior="none" in your custom footer code, right after your API key.

It should look like this:
<div hidden id="snipcart" data-api-key="YOUR API KEY" data-config-add-product-behavior="none">

I hope it will help you!

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Hi Victor,

Thanks a lot. Been trying to find the answer for days. It really helped.

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have anyone an idea how to implement a privacy checkbox in the payment section of snipcart?