Efficiency in web design/build/development depends on snippets and reusing bits of code: WE STILL CAN’T copy our beautifully crafted (sometimes complicated and time consuming to replicate) css/interactions/components/designs from one project to another.
And now due to recent developments that may unfortunately render your good work with flexbox largely redundant, CSS GRIDS are revolutionising layout and responsive structure.
1 and 2 are long, long overdue and in my mind essential and 3 is the new kid on the block which no doubt will require a huge amount of work!
Come on guys don’t let Webflow get left behind…
No doubt your feedback will be appreciated by all.
On the Custom Breakpoints, that is a great idea and one that a lot of designers would surely appreciate. I do not have any definite info on that yet.
On the Cross Site Copy and Paste and CSS Grid, both are planned and are coming to Webflow.
I hope this helps. I would love to have your feedback on these items on the Wishlist, it is a great way to get your concerns directly in front of the dev teams.