I was wondering if Webflow was considering migrating to a GraphQL API instead of the REST based one ? The hype about GraphQL is all over the place - Would that make sense for Webflow ? If not, why not ?
(just being curious)
I was wondering if Webflow was considering migrating to a GraphQL API instead of the REST based one ? The hype about GraphQL is all over the place - Would that make sense for Webflow ? If not, why not ?
(just being curious)
Hi Anthony,
Not affiliated with Webflow, but wanted to chip-in that I bet this is on their roadmap eventually. I say that because Vlad, the CEO, has previously tweeted about how they already use GraphQL and Apollo internally to power the visual CMS.
And I agree, a GraphQL API for developers would be sweet!!
Thanks alot for your feedback @cspags, appreciate !
Hi there
Is there any way we could use the GraphQL API, or still not implemented ? Is there a way to get around GraphQL querries by using solely the fetch API instead ?
Your best bet would be to leverage an external service like directus into your site. Webflow’s API is limiting.
Hi @webdev !
Thank you, I have succeeded in using the fetch API to wrap the GraphQL querry and inject it into the body like so:
async function getTotalValueLocked() {
try {
// globals
const url = `https://abc.abc.abc/graphql`,
query = `{
someData {
// fetching data
const results = await fetch(url, {
method: `POST`,
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify({
query: query
// handling data
const data = await results.json();
// handling error
} catch (error) {
console.log(`error`, error);
} // end try/catch
} // end getTotalValueLocked()
works perfectly !
Hey @anthonysalamin I’m currently trying to get a GraphQL API to work like this so I can get the JSON data. Unfortunately when using your code I’m getting a console error.
I was sent an API call by my engineers and was wondering if I had correctly converted it into your code block.
curl --location 'https://def.def.def/graphql' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"query":"query MortgageProducts { product_rate { id name interest_rate reference_interest_rate comparison_rate rate_adjustment installments_to_first_rate_adjustment installments_per_rate_adjustment }}","variables":{}}'
Which I transferd to:
async function getTotalValueLocked() {
try {
// globals
const url = `https://def.def.def/graphql`,
query = '{
product_rate {
id name
// fetching data
const results = await fetch(url, {
method: `POST`,
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify({
query: query
// handling data
const data = await results.json();
// handling error
} catch (error) {
console.log(`error`, error);
} // end try/catch
} // end getTotalValueLocked()
Any help would be greatly appreciated