Webflow designer silently omitting entire tags when deploying

Hi there. I am long term front end dev, and a Webflow veteran.
One of the projects I was working on is arbitrarily not deploying some tags when deploying.

The div.hero-wrapper, and its child content are just non-existent in the dom with the exception of one image, which is being deployed as if it was a direct child of the body tag.

If this is a bug, and its possible to just have the designer not deploy something… that’s a pretty catastrophic failure.

I hope I am missing something obvious, and would appreciate any help as I have already wasted a ton of time diagnosing that the designer is just not deploying some things.


Staging: Babe Paisely

hi @Taylor_ODW it looks like you didn’t publish your changes.

I have recreated your example without using Finsweet stuff and all works as expected.

Make sure you publish your changes

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Thanks for the response.

I can get this to work as well if I create new classes and reassign styles, my point was that as it was configured, the div.hero-wrapper was just not being deployed.

Its not a matter of being published or not…