Vimeo Lightbox not working - Help Please!

I am trying to embed a Vimeo Link: Inside Solace Sabah on Vimeo

As I put it on the lightbox on the main page, it does not work - although other vimeo links seem to work.

This is my preview link:

Any help will be appreciated! @thesergie

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

I see that Webflow says the link is invalid. Maybe there’s some sort of embed restrictions on the video. Not very logical because if you go to the vimeo page, click on Share and grab the embed code, it will work in Webflow. So at least you have this woarkaround (on the plus side you can now customize your player)

I’m having problems too with Vimeo links when using the video widget. Says ‘Invalid Video link’.
However, I can use a YouTube link and it works fine.

Hmm this is weird. We’re looking into it!

Looks like this is a problem with Embedly, a third party service we are using and they are working with Vimeo to resolve the issue: Embedly Status - Vimeo URLs intermittent.

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Hi @sorin, you are absolutely right - that is indeed the problem. I have a vimeo pro account too. I know that embedly is used pretty much extensively in Webflow. I always keep an eye on but with third party issues I missed it.

Is there any way we can have a centralised dashboard for all third party extensions that webflow uses?

Looks like I need to wait while embedly sorts this out - Or I will of course need to go forward using @vincent’s method.

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New Incident Status: Monitoring
Vimeo recently integrated some aggressive rate limiting for their oEmbed API and video detail pages. Embedly got caught up by their rate limiting and were unable to serve their embeds.

Vimeo white listed Embedly, so things are returning back to normal. Due to Embedly caching, all URLs called in the last 12 hours will continue to error till they are cleared. For cards, this is 24 hours.

You can manually clear Embedly’s cache by adding force=true to your API request like so:

Please reach out to if you have any questions.

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